Aine Ito
Journal articles
2024 |
Ito, A., Bautista, A. & Martin, C. Cognate facilitation effect on verb-based semantic prediction in L2 is modulated by L2 proficiency. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. [link] (Open access) |
2024 |
Pescuma, V. N., Maquate, K., Ronderos, C. R., Ito, A. & Knoeferle, P. Register and morphosyntactic congruence during sentence processing in German: An eye-tracking study. Acta Psychologica. [link] (Open access) |
2024 |
Ito, A. Effects of task instructions on predictive eye movements and word recognition during L2 sentence comprehension. Language Learning. [link] (Open access) |
2024 |
Ito, A. Phonological prediction during comprehension: A review and meta-analysis of visual-world eye-tracking studies. Journal of Memory and Language, 139. [link] (Open access) |
2024 |
Ito, A. & Hirose, H. Sandhi-based predictability of pitch accent facilitates word recognition in Kansai Japanese speakers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. [link] |
2024 |
Ito, A., Nguyen, H. T. T. & Knoeferle, P. German-dominant Vietnamese heritage speakers use semantic constraints of German for anticipation during comprehension in Vietnamese. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 27, 57-74. [link] (Open access) |
2023 |
Pescuma, V. N., Serova, D., Lukassek, J., Sauermann, A., Schäfer, R., Adli, A., Bildhauer, F., Egg, M., Hülk, K., Ito, A., Jannedy, S., Kordoni, V., Kuehnast, M., Kutscher, S., Lange, R., Lehmann, N., Liu, M., Lütke, B., Maquate, K., Mooshammer, C., Mortezapour, V., Müller, S., Norde, M., Pankratz, E., Patarroyo, A. G., Plesca, A-M., Ronderos, C. R., Rotter, S., Sauerland, U., Schnelle, G., Schulte, B., Schüppenhauer, G., Sell, B. M., Solt, S., Terada, M., Tsiapou, D., Verhoeven, E., Weirich, M., Wiese, H., Zaruba, K., Zeige, L. E., Lüdeling, A. & Knoeferle, P. Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 964658. [link] |
2023 |
Ito, A. & Knoeferle, P. Analysing data from the psycholinguistic visual-world paradigm: Comparison of different analysis methods. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 3461-3493. [link] (Open access) [R scripts] |
2022 |
Ito, A. & Husband, E. M. Investigating shared and distinct mechanisms in semantic and syntactic enrichment: A priming study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 7(8), 1062-1072. [link] [pdf] |
2021 |
Ito, A. & Sakai, H. Everyday language exposure shapes prediction of specific words in listening comprehension: A visual world eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 607474. [link] [pdf] |
2020 |
Ito, A., Gambi, C., Pickering, M. J., Fuellenbach, K., & Husband, E. M. Prediction of phonological and gender information: An event-related potential study in Italian. Neuropsychologia, 136. [link] [pdf] |
2019 |
Ito, A. Prediction of orthographic information during listening comprehension: A printed-word visual world study. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(11), 2584-2596. [link] [pdf] |
2019 |
Nieuwland, M. S., Barr, D. J., Bartolozzi, F., Busch-Moreno, S., Darley, E., Donaldson, D. I., Ferguson, H. J., Fu, X., Heyselaar, E., Huettig, F., Husband, E. M., Ito, A., Kazanina, N., Kogan, V., Kohút, Z., Kulakova, E., Mézière, D., Politzer-Ahles, S., Rousselet, G., Rueschemeyer, S.-A., Segaert, K., Tuomainen, J., & Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S. Dissociable effects of prediction and integration during language comprehension: Evidence from a large-scale study using brain potentials. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences., 375(1791). [link] |
2018 |
Nieuwland, M. S., Politzer-Ahles, S., Heyselaar, E., Segaert, K., Darley, E., Kazanina, N., Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S., Bartolozzi, F., Kogan, V., Ito, A., Mézière, D., Barr, D. J., Rousselet, G., Ferguson, H. J., Busch-Moreno, S., Fu, X., Tuomainen, J., Kulakova, E., Husband, E. M., Donaldson, D. I., Kohút, Z., Rueschemeyer, S-A., & Huettig, F. Large-scale replication study reveals a limit on probabilistic prediction in language comprehension. eLife, 7: e33468. [link] |
2018 |
Ito, A., Pickering, M. J., & Corley, M. Investigating the time-course of phonological prediction in native and non-native speakers of English: A visual world eye-tracking study. Journal of Memory and Language, 98, 1-11. [link] [pdf] |
2018 |
Ito, A., Corley, M., & Pickering, M. J. A cognitive load delays predictive eye movements similarly during L1 and L2 comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21(2), 251-264. [link] [pdf] |
2017 |
Ito, A., Martin, A. E., & Nieuwland, M. S. Why the A/AN prediction effect may be hard to replicate: A rebuttal to DeLong, Urbach & Kutas (2017). Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32(8), 974-983. [link] [pdf] |
2017 |
Ito, A., Martin, A. E., & Nieuwland, M. S. How robust are prediction effects in language comprehension? Failure to replicate article-elicited N400 effects. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32(8), 954-965. [link] [pdf] |
2017 |
Ito, A., Martin, A. E., & Nieuwland, M. S. On predicting form and meaning in a second language. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(4), 635-652. [link] [pdf] |
2016 |
Ito, A., Corley, M., Pickering, M. J., Martin, A. E., & Nieuwland, M. S. Predicting form and meaning: Evidence from brain potentials. Journal of Memory and Language, 86, 157-171. [link] |
Book chapter
2022 |
Hirose, Y. & Ito, A. Perception of pitch accent in Osaka Japanese: A reaction time study on predictability of the register tones. In T. Kubozono & M. Morimoto (Eds.), 『プロソディー研究の新展開』 88-107. Kaitakusha. [book] |
2021 |
Ito, A. & Pickering, M. J. Automaticity and prediction in non-native language comprehension. In T. Grüter & E. Kaan (Eds.), Prediction in Second-Language Processing and Learning. John Benjamins. [pdf] [book] |
Conference proceedings
2022 |
Patarroyo, A. G., Maquate, K., Ito, A. & Knoeferle, P. Investigating the real-time effect of register-situation formality congruence versus verb-argument semantic fit during spoken language comprehension. The 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [pdf] |
2017 |
Ito, A. & Husband, E. M. How robust are effects of semantic and phonological prediction during language comprehension? A visual world eye-tracking study. The Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language (MAPLL) Conference. [pdf] |
2017 |
Ito, A. Dunn, M. S. & Pickering, M. J. Effects of language production on prediction: Word vs. picture visual world study. The Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language (MAPLL) Conference. [pdf] |
Doctoral thesis
2016 |
Ito, A. (2016). Prediction during native and non-native language comprehension: The role of mediating factors. [pdf] |