Conference presentations


Yang, M. & Ito, A. Predicting phonological and orthographic representations during Chinese comprehension: A visual-world eye-tracking study. Talk presented at AMLaP Asia, Singapore.


Sun, D. & Ito, A. Investigating prediction revision process in English-Chinese bilinguals: A visual-world eye-tracking study. Poster presented at AMLaP Asia, Singapore. [poster]


Gong, D. & Ito, A. The markedness effect on the form-based predictions of sound and number information: a visual-world study. Poster presented at AMLaP Asia, Singapore. [poster]


Ito, A., Bautista, A. & Martin, C. Cognate facilitation on verb-based L2 prediction depends on proficiency. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New York, USA. [poster]


Chen, T-Y, Huang, C., Ito, A., Kobayashi, Y., Hirose, Y. & Ito, T. Exploring the perception of compound accent in Japanese: Evidence from an ERP experiment. Poster presented at the Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, Melbourne, Australia.


Pescuma, V. N., Maquate, K., Ronderos, C. R., Ito, A. & Knoeferle, P. When is situation formality integrated during sentence processing? Two eye-tracking studies on German. Poster presented at the ESLP conference, Berlin, Germany.


Ito, A., Bautista, A. & Martin, C. Cognate facilitation on verb-based L2 prediction depends on proficiency. Talk presented at the AMLaP conference, Edinburgh, UK.


Schmidt, A., Abashidze, D., Ito, A. & Knoeferle, P. Embodied processing of L2-specific morphosyntactic structures in German - Evidence from eye-tracking. Poster presented at the AMLaP conference, Edinburgh, UK.


Chen, H. & Ito, A. Controllability of prediction in language comprehension: Effects of task demands on predictive eye gaze. Talk presented at the Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taiwan.


Ito, A. Nguyen, H. T. T. & Knoeferle, P. German-dominant Vietnamese heritage speakers use semantic constraints of German for anticipation during comprehension in Vietnamese. Talk presented at the AMLaP Asia conference, Hong Kong.


Ito, A. Encouraging prediction enhances predictive eye-movements in L2 speakers. Poster presented at the AMLaP conference, San Sebastian, Spain. [poster]


Chen, H. & Ito, A. Does prediction enhance language comprehension? Poster presented at the AMLaP conference, San Sebastian, Spain.


Pescuma, V. N., Ronderos, C. R., Ito, A., Maquate, K. & Knoeferle, P. On the unfolding of formality-register and morphosyntactic congruence effects in sentence processing: An eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the AMLaP conference, San Sebastian, Spain.


Patarroyo, A. G., Maquate, K., Ito, A., & Knoeferle, P. Investigating the real-time processing of register in spoken language comprehension. Poster presented at the AMLaP conference, San Sebastian, Spain.


Pescuma, V. N., Ronderos, C. R., Ito, A., Maquate, K. & Knoeferle, P. Shared or distinct mechanisms: (How) Do register and subject-verb morphosyntactic congruence effects interact during sentence reading? Poster presented at the HSP Conference, Santa Cruz, USA.


Patarroyo, A. G., Maquate, K., Ito, A., & Knoeferle, P. Effects of situation formality on spoken language comprehension of register. Poster presented at the HSP Conference, Santa Cruz, USA.


Ito, A. & Hirose, Y. Predictability of pitch accent in Kansai Japanese: A reaction time study. Short talk presented at the AMLaP Conference, Paris, France. [abstract]


Ronderos, C. R., Ito, A., Maquate, K. & Knoeferle, P. The interaction between grammaticality congruence and register-situation formality congruence in German sentence processing: an eye-tracking-reading pilot study. Short talk presented at the CUNY Conference, Pennsylvania, USA. [abstract]


Hirose, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Chen, T. Y., Ito, A. and Ito, T. ERP responses to different types of pitch accent violation in Tokyo Japanese: Rule application or lexical memory? Talk presented at the Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, Preston, UK.


Ito, A., Nguyen, H. T. T. & Knoeferle, P. Effects of verb and classifier constraints on expectations in first and second language comprehension. Poster presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Amherst, USA. [poster]


Ito, A. & Sakai, H. Prediction of orthographic information during listening comprehension. Talk presented at the ESLP/AttLis Conference, Berlin, Germany.


Ito, A. & Sakai, H. Prediction of orthographic information during listening comprehension. Talk presented at the MAPLL Conference, Hyogo, Japan. (Tsutomu Sakamoto award)


Ito, A., Gambi, C., Pickering, M. J., Fuellenbach, K. & Husband, E. M. On prediction of phonological and grammatical gender information. Talk presented at the AMLaP Conference, Berlin, Germany.


Ito, A. Evaluating prediction-by-production: Production-like access to orthographic and phonological forms of predictable words. Poster presented at the AMLaP Conference, Berlin, Germany. [poster]


Ito, A. When does the brain predict specific words during language comprehension? Talk presented at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Husband, E. M. & Ito, A. Symmetric priming of enrichment in aspectual and intensional constructions. Talk presented at the 23rd AMLaP Conference, Lancaster, UK.


Ito, A. & Husband, E. M. How robust are effects of semantic and phonological prediction during language comprehension? A visual world eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the AMLaP Conference, Lancaster, UK. [poster]


Ito, A., Dunn, M. S. & Pickering, M. J. Effects of language production on prediction: Word vs. picture visual world study. Poster presented at the 23rd AMLaP Conference, Lancaster, UK. [poster]


Ito, A. & Husband, E. M. How robust are effects of semantic and phonological prediction during language comprehension? A visual world eye-tracking study. Talk presented at the MAPLL Conference, Tokyo, Japan. [conference paper]


Ito, A., Dunn, M. S. & Pickering, M. J. Effects of language production on prediction: Word vs. picture visual world study. Poster presented at the MAPLL Conference, Tokyo, Japan. [conference paper]


Ito, A. & Pickering, M. J. Production during language comprehension facilitates prediction: Evidence from the visual world printed-word paradigm. Poster presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Cambridge MA, USA. [poster]


Nieuwland, M. S., Politzer-Ahles, S., Heyselaar, E., Segaert, K., Darley, E., Kazanina, N., Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S., Bartolozzi, F., Kogan, V., Ito, A., Meziere, D., Barr, D., Rousselet, G., Ferguson, H., Busch-Moreno, S., Fu, X., Kulakova, E., Tuomainen, J., Husband, E. M., Donaldson, D., Kohút, Z., Rueschemeyer, S.-A., & Huettig, F. Phonological form is not probabilistically pre-activated during language comprehension: A 9-lab failure to replicate DeLong, Urbach & Kutas (2005). Talk presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Cambridge, MA.


Ito, A., Corley, M., & Pickering, M. J. Predicting phonological information in L1 and L2: A visual world eye-tracking study. Talk presented at the 3rd AttLis Workshop, Potsdam, Germany.


Ito, A., Pickering, M. J., & Corley, M. Looking at mouse when you predict “mouth”: Evidence for phonological prediction. Poster presented at the 21st AMLaP Conference, Valletta, Malta. [poster]


Ito, A., Corley, M., Pickering, M. J., Martin, A. E., & Nieuwland, M. S. Predicting form and meaning: Evidence from brain potentials. Talk presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Los Angeles, USA.


Ito, A., Pickering, M. J., & Corley, M. Language prediction and comprehension require the same cognitive resources. Poster presented at the AMLaP Conference, Edinburgh, UK.


Ito, A., Pickering, M. J., & Corley, M. Language prediction by non-native speakers: Evidence from an eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the AMLaP Conference, Marseille, France.

Invited talks


Ito, A. Prediction and sentence comprehension in a non-native language. Asian Junior Linguists Conference.


Ito, A. Prediction and sentence comprehension in a non-native language. International Conference on Cognitive Neurolinguistics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


Ito, A. Prediction in second language comprehension. International Conference on Computational Neuroscience and Bilingualism.


Ito, A. Automaticity of prediction in language comprehension. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


Ito, A. Prediction and sentence comprehension in a non-native language. Singapore University of Technology and Design.


Ito, A. Prediction and sentence processing in a non-native language. International Symposium on Heritage Bilingualism. University of Hyderabad. [Youtube]


Ito, A. Visual world eye-tracking analysis in R. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Youtube: [Day1], [Day2]


Ito, A. Prediction in native and non-native language comprehension. University of Hong Kong.


Ito, A. Investigating shared and distinct mechanisms in semantic and syntactic enrichment: a priming study. Kansai Circle of Psycholinguistics.


Ito, A. & Hirose, Y. 予測するヒト -アクセント変化を手がかりに- 東京方言の場合・関西方言の場合 Exhibition at National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. [Youtube]


Ito, A. How do people predict language? Peking University.


Ito, A. How do people predict language? The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Ito, A. The role of production in prediction: Effects of shadowing on predictive eye movements. Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.


Ito, A. 言語の予測:人はどのように言語情報を予測しているのか。 Tokyo University.


Ito, A. 言語の予測:人はどのように言語情報を予測しているのか。 Kyushu University.


Ito, A. Investigating pre-activation of orthographic information during listening comprehension. Waseda University.


Ito, A. Prediction during non-native language comprehension. The University College London.


Ito, A. Prediction during language comprehension: Perspectives from eye-tracking and ERP studies. Waseda University.


Ito, A. Evaluating the role of prediction during comprehension: How robust are the prediction effects? Saarland University.